Welcome to Dippoldis­walde


In Dippoldiswalde we currently meet in the Parksälen at 10:00 am for our Sunday service. There are two children’s groups in our weekly services. These are staggered according to the age of the children and meet parallel to the service. There is also an opportunity for the young teens to meet separately. This group of Preeteens meets every two weeks also during the service. Following the service, coffee and cookies are offered. During this time there is an opportunity for conversation and fellowship.

For more information on the current rules for attending a worship service, click here.

We are a site church where there is an excellent family atmosphere. And just like in every family, we live from togetherness and also from participation. That is why there are many opportunities to get involved. In the technical team, in the children’s service, in the security service, in the coffee service.

In our location in Dippoldiswalde there is also the possibility to have fellowship with each other during the week. We meet in two house groups to sing together, to pray and also for personal exchange. We also have an active youth group called “Crosspoint”. These young people meet every two weeks on Saturday afternoons. There they also consider God’s word, but also eat together, play games and chill out.

Parksäle Dippoldiswalde
Dr.-Friedrichs-Straße 25
01744 Dippoldiswalde

Offers in the service:

  • Worship and sermon
  • Children’s service in two age-specific groups
  • Fellowship over coffee, tea and cookies
  • Once a month meeting of the youth group “Crosspoint”


  • Cars can be parked in the parking lot of the Parksäle
  • Regional bus 360: Dippoldiswalde, bus station

Would you like to learn more about the Dippoldiswalde site, would you like to attend a service, or are you interested in joining a small group? Feel free to get in touch via the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!

10 + 12 =

Current events in Dippoldiswalde